Guess what?
Today is Father's Day!
So, I would like to dedicated this post to my awesome troll dad,
But what the heck, I will dedicate this post to both my parents.
Yes, BOTH.
So we will start of with my dad, Encik Kamarulnizam
Born in 14th February (Yes, on Valentine's day. Explains his jiwang-ness) 1962
Now is a CEO in his own company, Medijaring.
He is what would you call a positive feedback parent.
He expects something from you, but in a subtle way.
He won't force his children. EVER
He will just facilitate his children, and to an extent, influence them to choose the right decision.
He is a loving husband.
He will try his best to make his wife's day fun.
He is the master of mind games.
He can reverse psychology almost EVERYONE including salesman. (Explains the tons of free stuff in our house)
He is a man of wisdom.
Different from my mother, he doesn't talk much unless he is in his own group.
He prefers to be low profile, not to be flashy and stuff.
He is man full of jokes, trolls and humor
He differentiates between work and family.
He is a GREAT family man.
He believes that family dinner is an important ritual to keep the family close.
He has a pure heart and is really selfless
Serious, he will and definitely will help others in need.
He is a genius.
What I meant by genius is he can do EVERYTHING!
Home improvement, home designing, interior designing, accounting, business analysis, map reading, psychology, negotiating, cooking, programming, fishing, gardening, you name it. He can somehow do it.
He is my main inspiration.
I admit it, I have a weird complex with my dad.
I don't want to lose to him.
Every single thing he can do, I want to do it better.
Every single weaknesses he had, I overcome it.
Every single bad habit he has, I didn't do it.
Maybe it is weird, but that is one of the things that drives me forwards.
Call me jealous or something, I am.
He taught me is importance of multiple intelligence; to be a balanced individual.
He taught me that to hold on to something you believe in until you succeed.
He taught me that passion in important
He taught me that family is important
One time, he admits that he was nervous of becoming a parent because of his past pit holes.
But I'm here dad, an individual who has achieve the level which will make any parent proud.
And I will not stop here.
I will continue on to make you proud!
You sir, succeeded in becoming an AWESOME dad!
Now, for my mom, Puan Fadwal Khusna binti Hassan
Born in 28th October 1970
Currently a housewife, a very dedicated one.
She is the SuperMom
No joke
She is the master of multitasking
And memorizing recipes and prices of groceries.
She talks a lot with her family.
Yes, she nags. (Every mother do right?)
But she did it to express her concern to her kids.
She is a family women.
No one can be as important as her family
She is a dedicated woman and very selfless.
She will send your things to Cheras all the way from Setapak in the middle of the night if it is that important to you.
She is concern about her children's school performance.
She knew most of her children's friends, to curb bad influence.
She can be moody at times (Most women do...duhhh)
She likes to be cuddled :3
She likes cats and cooking.
Her tongue is like a magical detector of taste and spices.
She is a brutal driver. Trust me.
If my dad is my inspiration, my mother is my drive.
It is like my dad is pulling my upwards while my mother pushes me from below.
She will keep a close track to my progress.
Every single one of them.
My mom is very close to me.
From girlfriends to unbearable neck pain, I will tell my mom first.
She is the true embodiment of a SuperMom
And she really rocks in doing it.
She has a lot of weaknesses, she admits it.
But that doesn't stop her from being an awesome mom.
I'm the eldest son, and she is so proud of me.
But I'm not stopping here.
I will make you prouder than before!
You maam, succeeded in becoming an AWESOME mom!
Both of them...
Without them, I would not be here (You don't say?)
Without them, I would crack under pressure a long time before.
So thanks mom and dad.
If I become a parent in the future.
I know just the person who I need to be.
I love you