Because I lack proper images |
Hello everybody. It is a dull Friday (again) after a hectic week of non-stop outings and spending. So, what is better to spice up your Friday than reading of one my rants?
*crickets sounds*
So anyway, I had this nice conversation with a friend of mine about perception and skills. It goes something like this.
Friend: Eh, don't you think that perception is more powerful than skill?
Me: Explain
Friend: Like, I noticed that I am able to hone my skills better after I got this scholarship...and I got this scholarship mainly because of perception
Me: Really meh? *deep thought*
Disclaimer: Event may not be 100% accurate but you get the gist of it
After a deep thought and philosophical ranting with the two people inside my head, I came to a conclusion
Now, before you start debating with me with concrete arguments, let me explain my thought process here. I define perception as how you exhibit yourself to the world around you and pure skill as your personal ability. Putting the definitions in, I'm saying that how you exhibit yourself to the world around you is more important than your personal ability
Why is that?
Because although you and everyone else has their own unique personal ability and skill like good memory, ability to ace test, athletics ability etc, ultimately, only the holder of the said ability truly know that they possess that ability. Moving forward, this means that although you know that you have that ability, others won't.
For example, you know that you have a talent for playing chess. Now, if you meet someone new, will they know that you're good in playing chess just by talking to you for five minutes? Unless that person is a mentalist, I highly doubt it. Even if you say "I'm a chess player" or "I am good at chess", that person can really 'know' that you are 'that good' at chess.
Unless, you really plant in the idea that you are good in chess
Now, here is where perception came in. To make that person know that you are good in chess, you would need to show him or her. No, you'd not need to pull out a chess board or anything but maybe you can just say "I played chess in tournaments before"
Boom. Perception changed.
Just by adding the word 'tournament', the other person will get the idea of you holding a chess tournament medal/trophy and quickly conclude that you are good in chess. Although in reality you may ended up last in many tournaments, but that doesn't matter. You showed them an image of a tournament, but not really your skill. They, themselves concluded that you are good in chess. Now, you are perceived as good in chess. Objective achieved.
How can we relate it to real life? I mean, what significant of knowing that perception is more important than skill?
See, to survive in life, you'll need to look good. Looking good here is not looking good physically but it is the image others perceived you to be. Although you may not have the skill, but by looking good, you will be able to hone that said skill. A simple example would be my own scholarship interview.
I admit, I lack the skills required to be a Bank Negara scholar. Although my academic and cocurriculum track records are well above average, I lack the 'zing' to be a BNM scholar. But then, during the interview, I perceive myself as 'The Guy That Should Be A Scholar' and I plant that image into my interviewers mind. In doing so, I got the scholarship and because of the opportunity that came afterwards, I became 'The Guy That Should Be A Scholar' (Woah, it is like super bragging and crap. But bear with me and take in the message) Opportunities to obtain 'pure skill' is opened up by using 'perception'
But then, maybe it is an isolated case....or it is?
Ever been to a MLM function before? Are those people in front wearing their suits and ties and looking all nice and fancy that skilled and rich? Chances are, they are not....probably. But they successfully planted that image into the audience mind and because of that, they WILL be that skilled and rich guy/girl.
"Perception is the key."
After note: Now, you may have noticed some gaping holes in my arguments above. I noticed that too and it was intentional. You know, to make something to be debated upon. So yeah, what do you think about perception?